Commissioner Compensation Disclosure
El Dorado LAFCO is composed of seven regular Commissioners: two members from the Board of Supervisors; two members who represent cities; two members who represent special districts; and one public member who represents the public as a whole. There are four alternate Commissioners; one from each of the above membership categories.
Per policy 1.4.1, certain Commissioners are eligible to receive a meeting stipend. For budgetary reasons, the Commission has temporarily suspended the payment of these stipends. No stipends have been paid since Fiscal Year 2008-09. Transportation for the Public, Special District and City of South Lake Tahoe Commissioners is reimbursed at the IRS mileage rates.
Staff Compensation Disclosure
Staff salaries are set by LAFCO Resolution L-2022-07 and personnel benefits are stated in Appendix F of the Commission’s Policies and Guidelines. The Executive Officer serves at the pleasure of the Commission and their services are retained under contract.
Resolution L-2024-02 (Salary Schedule)
Executive Officer Contract, First Amendment, Second Amendment